Apple has announced the iPhone 16, the latest edition of its mainline smartphone. The iPhone 16 comes in a variety of slightly refreshed colors that are more vivid compared to previous years. Also refreshed is the updated dual-camera arrangement on its rear, once again set up vertically, as last seen on the iPhone 12 from 2020.
The iPhone 16 has a variety of new hardware refinements, like a new A18 chip with 3nm process that’s 30 percent faster than the iPhone 15’s CPU, an Action Button that debuted on last year’s Pro models, and a new physical camera control button below the power button.
The 16 follows the same general design as the 15, with a squared-off frame, rear glass allowing for MagSafe wireless charging, Apple’s Dynamic Island top cutout for housing its front-facing camera and Face ID sensors, and USB-C charging / data port at its base. While the move back to vertically aligned rear lenses may seem like a strange retread to a design element Apple moved on from, the backtrack makes sense for better spatial video support on the Apple Vision Pro.
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