Instagram will let you rebuild your recommendations from scratch

Instagram users can soon clear and make a fresh start on the content that’s recommended to them. | Image: Meta

Instagram is testing a new feature that will let users completely refresh the content that’s recommended to them on the platform. The recommendations reset feature will “soon roll out globally,” according to Meta’s announcement, and can be used to clear the algorithmic content that currently appears in Feeds, Explore, and Reels.

The new feature will be available to users of all ages, including Teen accounts. “We want to make sure everyone on Instagram – especially teens – has safe, positive, age-appropriate experiences and feels the time they’re spending on Instagram is valuable,” Meta said. “We want to give teens new ways to shape their Instagram experience, so it can continue to reflect their passions and interests as they evolve.”

GIF: Meta
This is how users will access the reset feature once it rolls out.

Recommendations can be cleared in “just a few taps,” according to Meta, and will “start to personalize again over time” based on the accounts and content the user goes on to interact with. Users will also be able to review which accounts they currently follow at the point of reset to decide if they want to unfollow them, helping to reshape the new recommendations that will develop.
